A recent article in APN News (link here), featured a group of schools in India that has embraced Gardner’s MI theory. Lexicon Schools recently organized “MI Fests” celebrating multiple intelligences. At these festivals, students gave presentations on projects using different intelligences. Students were encouraged to identify their strengths and passions and use their artistic and creative talents. Each school chose a different theme for their festival, though all emphasized the interplay between arts and sciences.
Lexicon School MI Fest celebration: Photo from APN News
At the Lexicon International School, Kalyaninagar, students used dramatization, word games, music and rap to showcase their learning on the theme of “herbal life” which included ayurveda and yurvedic herbs, diet and nutrition, acupressure, and yoga.
Students at the Lexicon School, Hadapsar, chose the theme, space and technology. Their MI Fest began with dance performances that showed off their kinesthetic and visual-spatial intelligences. Students hosted booths highlighting different intelligences.
The Lexicon International School, Wagholi, will host their MI Fest on the theme of sustainability in December, 2023.
It is very encouraging to see how schools around the world are not only recognizing and encouraging children’s multple intelligences, but celebrating them in these ways.
[Main photo from lexiconedu.in]